Naseema Zulfi Khan
Master Chef876
Ex Banker.
I have a passion for Cooking & Baking.. "Cooking & Baking is love made Edible"
Cooking and Baking is a lot more than food..It's Family bonding time .. ❤️ It simply gives me pleasure ..
Please note : My Recipes are personally tried

Joined 9 years ago
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USE LASAGNE SHEETS I MADE 3 LAYERS IN A CASSEROLE MY TIP(I SOAKED THE SHEETS IN HOT WATER FOR FEW minutes OR CAN STEAM) Cook 4 Chicken Fillets Or Chicken Mince Small3 tablespoon ghee (Clarified butter)Small grated Onion (Optional) Braise till chicken changes to whitish colour½ teaspoon ginger garlic 1 teaspoon garlic1 teaspoon Chicken spice1 teaspoon Chops and Steak spiceLittle mixed herb1 teaspoon lemon Pepper Little crushed black pepperFew chopped robot peppers Cook well adjust the salt and chilliKeep aside
TOMATO GRAVYWith little oil Garlic 3 grated Tomatoes, ½ cup Tomato puree sauce 1 full teaspoon Kashmiri masala OR Green Chilli masala salt cook well add pinch of sugar and OriganumWhen Almost done addAdd little Tomato SauceAdd little any home made chutneyAdjust the Taste
WHITE SAUCE1 & ½ cup Milk2 tablespoon Butter Heat till butter melts Make a paste with 2 tablespoon Mazina or Flour and little water ½ teaspoon Salt½ teaspoon White pepper Add all above to the milk and keep stirring to a slight thickish custardAnd then add ½ cup Grated cheese - in quickly Keep Aside
FOR ASSEMBLING IN CASSEROLEI LAYER THE LASAGNE FIRST SO IT SOFTENS QUICKLYLayer lasagne mince tomato gravy white sauce keep on Layering last top with white sauce lots of grated cheese and few chopped tomato (may Add chopped peppers) Chopped Green dhania (coriander) and OriganumBake at 180* for 35 - 40 minutesENJOY 😋
28 Jan 2022
Naseema Zulfi Khan
Master Chef876
Ex Banker.
I have a passion for Cooking & Baking.. "Cooking & Baking is love made Edible"
Cooking and Baking is a lot more than food..It's Family bonding time .. ❤️ It simply gives me pleasure ..
Please note : My Recipes are personally tried

Joined 9 years ago