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1 kg Chicken fillet, washed and cut into cubes4 tablespoon Oil½ teaspoon crushed Garlic1 teaspoon Cumin1&½ teaspoon Salt½ teaspoon Black pepper1 teaspoon ground Green chillies3 medium Carrots, cut into rings2 cups of Water 1 punnet Mushrooms, sliced100 gr Butter ½ cup Fresh cream
5 teaspoon FlourWaterMake a paste.
Braise the fillet with the oil, garlic and cumin. Once braised add in the salt, pepper, green chillies and carrots and leave it to braise.When the water is burned out add in the 2 cups of water and leave to cook.Once done add in the flour paste and mix till it thickens.
Stir fry the mushrooms with the butter. After the flour paste thickens, mix in the mushrooms and pour in the fresh cream.Leave to simmer.
Grease a large Pyrex, spoon the chicken filling in and layer ready made pastry over( I used leftover pie dough). Brush the pie with egg and sprinkle sesame seeds over. Bake on 180 degrees for approximately half an hour, until the pastry has puffed up and is golden brown on the top.
17 Nov 2023