28 favourites
1 chocolate cake
1 bottle nutella
2 slabs of dairy milk chocolate
Beads of your choice for decorating
Lollipop sticks or wooden sticks
Crumb the chocolate cake using a fork. Bind the
crumbs using the nutella. The nutella should be soft
and pourable. You may want to put the bottle of nutella
in a jug of hot water before using. Once you have
binded the cake crumbs well, it should form a huge
ball. Make small balls and leave aside on a wax wrap.
Dip the end of the lollipop sticks in a bit of melted
chocolate and stick into the balls to form cake pops.
Put into the fridge for atleast 4 hours. Melt the slabs of
chocolate in a bowl over a little boiling water on the
stove. Remove cake pops from frige. Roll into
chocolate. Sprinkle beads for decoration. Set aside to
dry on wax wrap. Remove them only when they are
completly dry! Store in an air tight container.