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4 eggs - whole egg ½ cup caster sugar ¼ cup flour ¼ cup cornflour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla essence Pinch of salt
Beat eggs until stiff and white Add sugar and beat until it leaves a peak Sift the dry ingredients 3 times.Sift in one more time into the egg mixture and fold with a metal spoon Lastly add vanilla essence Pour into a greased and lined Swiss roll pan and bake at 200•C for 10-15 minutes Turn out immediately onto grease proof paper sprinkled with caster sugar (not icing sugar)Peel of lining paper and trim edges with a sharp knife Roll up cake with paper in between to make a Swiss roll.
Cover with a cool damp cloth and cool slightly Unroll and spread with filling and roll up again and allow to cool