73 favourites
Lasagne sheets( boil and keep aside..)White sauce ( home made or I used the packet ones that u just add boiling water)..Mash potatoes..( home made or I used smash..the one that comes in orange box)2 packet creamy cheese sauce the packet ones too that u just add boiling water.. Chicken minceOnionsSpices
Make white sauce keep asideMake mash and keep aside. Braise onions in oil till translucent. add in grinded tomatoes and your mince. add grinded garlic salt black pepper red chillies and paprika...I add zeal too..let it cook till done.Then in your dish layer mash. Put the mince and white sauce. put lasagne sheets.put green peppers cut in rounds gives a good flavour .Then put mince again sauce and lasagne sheets. lastly add white sauce on and top with cheese..Then bake for 30-40 minutes without foil..
It's truly delicious..nt my recipe had to share it after I tried it..jzks to samya fr the recipe..