17 favourites
2 packets 2 minutes noodles(boiled with the spice till cooked and no water remains) cool4 eggs ½ green cubed pepper 1 cup frozen or kernel cornSalt and pepper to taste1 cup grated cheese2 teaspoon green masala Chopped green dhania (coriander) & spring onions¼ cup milk
Beat eggs & milk together. Then add green masala ,salt & pepper & chopped greens & mix well. Add the rest of ingredients & mix until well blended Grease a muffin pan well with spray & cook. Fill pan with 1 ½ tablespoon of mixture & top with cheese. Sprinkle with dried mix herbs & bake in oven @ 180 ± 15 minutes or until firm. Remove immediately from pan & put on baking wire wrack to cool. Serve with favourite Chutney.