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Pic credit : Fatima Jada. Recipe credit : Yasmin Jeewa.
sub Dough (universal dough)
I use this recipe for my pizzas,rolls , buns etc:
5 cups flour
1 packet yeast
quarter cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
half cup oil
1 cup boiling water ( allow water to stand for 5 minutes )
1 egg
I make in my Kenwood machine.
Once risen , punch down and roll into desired shape.
One tip .
Any dough recipe that requires milk , I always add abt half cup more
of milk (SO USE ONE & HALF CUPS MILK ) and use less of water,
more milk makes ones dough much softer , my dough once mixed in
machine is slightly sticky but I like it like that cos once it rises its all
sorted and when punching down make sure your hands are oiled or floured.
Shape, rise till double, egg wash, sprinkle seeds, herbs.
Bake @ 180 degrees
Recipe shared by Fatima Jada