45 favourites
4 potatoes cubedBoil with a pinch of tumeric till softBraise one chopped onion with little whole Jeeru (Cumin),add in potatoes,salt,crushed green chillies and pepper to taste.mix and add chopped greensDOUGH:3 cups flour Half teaspoon salt3 tablespoon ghee (Clarified butter)3 tablespoon yoghurt1 half teaspoon baking powder2 tablespoon chopped greens1 half cup boiling waterCombine all ingredients together,add just enough water to make a soft doughDivide the dough into 12 equal ballsRoll each one on a floured surfaceSpoon filling over 6 of the circlesSprinkle with cheese Close with remaining 6 circlesPress edges well to sealFry on a hot tawa,turning until golden,,brush with ghee (Clarified butter) and serve..