14 favourites
2 pavras oil
1 chicken preferably white chicken
1 medum size onion
3 tomatoes (liquidized)
garam masala whole (jeera, black pepper 6, Elachi (cardomom) 2, 2 cloves, 2 small pieces taj)
1 tablespoon crushed garlic
half teaspoon ginger
1 tin coconut cream
salt to taste
half teasonn haidar green chillis crushed
6 potatoes fried
coriander for garnish
fried onions for garnish.
cut chicken in 8 pieces wash and set aside. take oil make vagar with garam masala add onions and fry til golden. add ginger and garlic and fry for 2 minutes and add chicken. cook til water evaporates and add salt and haider and liquidized tomatoes, add crushed chillis according how hot u want. cook for 10 minutes and then add coconut cream tin and cook. add fried potatoes and simmer gently til chicken is done and gravy is thick. when dishing out garnish with coriander leaves and fried onions.
best eaten with naan, roti or tandori roti