Sous Chef48
Love cooking and baking and asian couzine is my favorite
I am totally addicted to recipe books and my i pad is loaded with recipes
Love nature and family and animals
The highlights of my day is when my family and at times friends gather around

Joined 8 years ago
2 favourites
Arabic dough
Pizza filling was Arabic dough base Tomatoes base :
2 tablespoons olive oil3 cloves crushed garlic 1 can tomatoe relish 1 sachet tomato purée1 teaspoon sugar1 teaspoon dried oreganumSalt and pepper8 fresh basil leaves chopped I also chopped few fresh oreganum leaves
Heat oil on MED heat add garlic and braise Add rest of ingredients and let it cook throughSmear over uncooked pizza base
2nd layer over tomato base
Take 2 tablespoons olive oilHeat and add 1 cubed onion ½ cubed red pepper ½ cubed green pepper ½ cubed yellow pepper 1/2punnet sliced button mushroomsFew pieces of pineapple chopped black olives 1 finely chopped green chillieLittle salt and pepper
Stirr fry .. make sure tht there is no liquid in pan Remove and put ontop of the tomato sauce of uncooked base
Then Mix Steers sweet chilies sauce .. Steers bbq sauce Steers peri peri sauce Steers Prego sauceDrizzle sauces over the veg base
Place meat ontop of the sauces I used chicken
1 kg chopped chicken breasts cubed 1 teaspoon crushed garlicSalt to taste 1 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon dhania (coriander) / jeera powder1 teaspoon Robertsons chicken spice1 teaspoon Robertson’s bbq spice1 teaspoon tandoori spice1 teaspoon red chili paste Heat the oil and add the chicken that is marinated in all the spices Cook for about 12 to 15 minutes making sure that the meat is dry ( no gravy)Place ontop of veg / sauce pizza base
Add a few more slices of black olives over meat
Cover generously wth mozzarella cheese
Drizzle mixed steers sauces over the cheese
Bake 180C for 15 to 20 minutes I made two large pizza’s and used rest of Arabic dough to make mini pizzas and chicken buns Delicious indeed
10 minutes Arabic dough I really do not know who to give recipe credit to As it was shared by many Recipe
I sieve dry ingredients together and add liquids and make my dough .. once mixed I place into glass bowl and smear top of dough with little oil and cover wth cling wrap and leave it to proof in my microwave (that I ran on hi for 5 minutes )And it’s always a success
2 cups warm water4 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoon yeast2 cups flour¾ teaspoon salt2 tablespoon milk powder- secret ingredient that makes dough soft 1⁄2 cup oil3 cups flour+ 1 teaspoon baking powder
Mix well and knead until combined
I let it proof for 30minutes. Punch it down and shape my subs , rolls, Pizza’s , bagels Use for subs, pizzas, bagels , doughnuts , Cinnabon’s Etc ...add fillings and let proof forAnother 30 minutes Bake 180C ....15 minutes
I made pizza for grandson and mini rolls He said “ nana can we make more tomorrow cz this is better than Romans pizza PLEASE
26 Aug 2018
Sous Chef48
Love cooking and baking and asian couzine is my favorite
I am totally addicted to recipe books and my i pad is loaded with recipes
Love nature and family and animals
The highlights of my day is when my family and at times friends gather around

Joined 8 years ago