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Steak 1 kg fillet steak 2 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon crushed garlic 2 tablespoon ground green chili1 teaspoon Aromat (a South African Spice) ½ teaspoon lemon pepper½ teaspoon lemon & herb seasoning (robertsons)½ teaspoon steak & chops spice½ teaspoon barbecue spice Mix all the above ingredients and add to steak. Cook with a little butter till soft and juicy but not dry.
Mushroom sauce 2 punnets mushrooms10g butter1 teaspoon salt¼ teaspoon pepper (a little over)250ml cream1 tablespoon maizena (corn flour) (slightly heaped)
Peel and slice mushrooms and add to pot. When water dries out add in your butter, salt and pepper and leave to cook for about 5 minutes. Mix maizena (corn flour) into fresh cream and add to your mushrooms. Stir till it thickens. Add to steak and give it a mix.
Pasta 500g ribbon pasta 1 onion¼ cup olive oil50g butter 2 tablespoon crushed garlic 1 ½ cups frozen corn 1 red pepper (diced)1 green pepper (diced)3 teaspoon Aromat (a South African Spice)2 teaspoon lemon pepper 2 teaspoon spice for rice 2 teaspoon barbecue spice 500ml fresh cream500ml sour cream
Boil pasta and set aside. Braise onion with butter and olive oil for a few minutes. Then add in your frozen corn and crushed garlic and leave to simmer for about 5 minutes. Add in your peppers. Add your creams with the spices and mix well. Add your pasta in and mix everything up. Enjoy 💫
23 Sep 2018