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6 eggs (separate the eggs into yolks and whites)1 and ½ cup of sugar1 and ½ cup of cake flour¾ cup of lukewarm water¾ cup of vegetable oil6 tablespoons of cocoa powder 2 teaspoons of baking powder
1. Dissolve the cocoa powder into the lukewarm water and set aside2. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees3. Pass the cake pan into water and alow to drain. 4. In a bowl put the yolks, sugar, oil, flour and the mixture of cocoa and water. Beat until combines very well. Set aside. 5. Beat the egg whites until it form's peaks. 6. Add the baking powder and the egg whites to the yolks mixture and mix with a spatula carefully not to overbeat.7. Now put into the pan and bake for 160 to 180 degrees for about 45 minutes to 1h.Remove the cake from the oven and invert it on top of grid and wait until it is cooled fully. If you try to take it out of the pan while it's still hot, it will fall apart.When the cake has cooled down, cut around it with a cake knife to separate it from the pan. Invert onto a plate to unmold, and it's done.
I cover the cake with chocolate butter cream
Just beat 250gr of butter or margarine, add 3/4 can of condensed milk and 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder.
Then cover the cake and pipe as you desire .
(you can add a whole can of condensed milk if you like too sweet)
The drip effect I made with Chocolat ganache.
23 Oct 2018