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CINNABON recipe credit @Naazimakhatib Photo credits @the.glitter.grater
3 cups flour3 teaspoon yeast½ baking powd1 tablespoon Nido milk powd1 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon sugar
->Sift dry ingredients well and Mix together and set aside.
Beat together the following:65g butter softened 1 tablespoon oil1 egg½ teaspoon vanilla essence Qutr cup nestle cream¾ cup milk½ cup hot water
->Add to the flour mixture and knead well (10 minutes)->Drizzle oil over dough and cling wrap really tight.leave to rise +-1 hour or till double it's size.
Make a mix with: 65g butter softened1 tablespoon nestle cream1 heaped teaspoon cinamon powder½ cup brown sugar
->Roll out dough and smooth mixture overDrizzle chopped pecans.
->Roll into a tight Swiss roll and slice. Place on a greased oven tray, cover with a cloth and leave to rise for another ½ hour at least->Bake at 180 for 20- 25 minutes until light brown.
Make your toppings:
Cream cheese topping2 teaspoon cream cheese1 cup icing sugar1 tablespoon butter softend1 teaspoon nestle creamBeat well
Caramel toppingHalf cup brown sugar2 tablespoon waterCook til browned and thick then add in:3 tablespoon nestle cream¼ teaspoon caramel essence1 teaspoon butter
Choc toppingWarm 1 sml slab dairy milk in microMix in 2 tablespoon nestle cream1 teaspoon butter2 tablespoon nutella ¼ teaspoon cocoaLittle Milk to thin it out
Pour toppings over while still warm
29 Dec 2018