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Recipe My Beloved Mum. May Allah grant her the highest stages of Jannatul Firdose in sha Allah aameen Pic Sumi
150 g butter½ cup castor sugar1 egg1 teaspoon vanilla essence+-2 cups selfraising flour to make soft dough
Beat sugar & butter till creamy. Add in egg & vanilla essence. Enough flour to make a soft dough. Roll & cut. Put in patty pans add 1 teaspoon jam & cover with coconut filling.
Coconut filling
1 cup sugar1 cup water3 ½ cups coconut3 eggs beaten¼ cup butter3 tablespoon milk1 teaspoon vanilla essence1 teaspoon baking powder1 teaspoon Elachi (cardomom) powder (optional)
Combine water & sugar In a saucepan stir over low heat until sugar has dissolved. Bring to boil for 3 minutes.Mix the rest of ingredients in a bowl. Add this to the syrup & stir until butter is melted. Remove from stove. Cool for a while. Add 1 teaspoon jam in casing & cover with coconut filling. Bake until golden brown.
»̶ S̶̲̥̅̊um̶̲̥̅̊A̶̲̅Ýa̶̲̥̅̊н̣̇ «̶ إبراهيم
04 Jan 2019