Fatima Amie
Kitchen Hand16
Been a Mum one constantly has to think of good ideas to cook up something everyday.To tickle the taste buds so to speak.
And when your kids say
#Mum the food was good#.It was well worth the effort.

Joined 8 years ago
13 favourites
For Kitchrie3 cups rice 1 cup oil dhal ½ teaspoon haldi 2 teaspoon salt Salt to taste
For Khurrie Onion fried till golden brown. Curry leaves Green chillies slit in middle Whole jeeru (cumin) a pinch Mustard seeds. (Rye (black seed)) a pinch 500ml yoghurt.Chana flour 1 tablespoon mix with little water not too thick nor too thin. Haldi 1 teaspoon Salt to taste.Nestlé creme big tin dhania (coriander) to Garnish
For potato fry Oil 2 tablespoon Rye (black seed) Whole jeeru (cumin)
Slice 4 potatoes 1 teaspoon haldi 2 teaspoon salt dhania (coriander) to Garnish
Makaai roti 2cups flour 1 cup mealie meal Salt to taste Boiling water.
For KhitchreeBraise the dhal so it turns to a lighter Colour Pour Boiling water Add salt and haldiAdd washed riceAllow to cook
For Khurrie Fry onion with mustard seeds and whole jeeru (cumin) Pour the yoghurt Stir all the time on very low heat becareful as it can break....
Add haldi and saltChana flour Keep on stirring till its a nice Colour.. Add Nestlé creme Stir Switch off.. and move pot away from heat.. Garnish with dhania (coriander)
For potatoes Toss potatoes with spices then fry in oil. Cover with water allow to cook then Garnish with dhania (coriander)
Makaai roti
Make dough as usual Roll to 1cm thickness Put on Tawaa to cook on both sides.. Serve hot..
You can make the yellow kitchri or the green mug one...
For the green mug
Take tastic rice 3 cups
Crushed green mug dhal 1 cup
Toss this together before you wash the rice..
Bring water to boil
Add salt to taste then rice
Allow to cook
Add ghee when done
Some people love this with Desi mango Atchaar Mixed to the Khitchree as another dish on the side..
Also one can serve with bhinda or brinjal curry...
Plus carrot gajar Atchaar.. I have posted recipe of this
N papar is a must have
21 Mar 2019
Fatima Amie
Kitchen Hand16
Been a Mum one constantly has to think of good ideas to cook up something everyday.To tickle the taste buds so to speak.
And when your kids say
#Mum the food was good#.It was well worth the effort.

Joined 8 years ago