24 favourites
@flavour_fanatics Aqueelah Hadia
Pudding:250 ml castor sugar2 extra large eggs15 ml fine apricot jam310 ml cake flour5 ml bicarbonate of sodaA pinch of salt30 ml melted butter5 ml vinegar125 ml milk
Sauce:250 g LANCEWOOD® Cultured Cream180 ml sugar180 ml hot water125 g butter
Pudding:Beat the castor sugar and eggs together until pale and light. Whisk continuously until smooth. Add the apricot jam and mix in. Sift the dry ingredients together. Mix the butter, vinegar and milk together. Add alternately with the dry ingredients to the egg and sugar mixture. Pour into a + 21 cm in diameter x 5 cm deep greased ovenproof dish and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 40 – 45 minutes.
Sauce:Heat all the ingredients for the sauce together. Pour about two thirds of the sauce over the pudding as soon as it comes out of the oven. Prick the pudding all over with a fork and pull sides away from edges to allow sauce to run in. Serve the remaining sauce with the pudding.
29 Sep 2019