Sous Chef40
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For 1 litre of ghee (Clarified butter) :2 * 500g bricks of butter
Melt your butter in a heavy-based pot. (medium-high heat) Pay attention to the phases of your ghee (Clarified butter). This will help you detect how far along your ghee (Clarified butter) is. 🌹At first the butter will melt, and a white film will surface. The melted butter may splatter depending on how much of water content is in your butter brand. (totally fine) 🌹The liquid will bubble. It is a very bright yellow. The aroma is very dairy or milky. Reduce your heat to medium. 🌹The liquid will begin to clarify. There are still tiny bits of white specks in your liquid. The milk solids have not yet settled at the bottom. The liquid still smells milky or buttery. At this point you should stop stirring the bottom of the pot. (the milk solids will settle to the bottom and if you stir it will set you back to square one) 🌹The liquid is now fully clarified. You can test by gently lifting the top liquid with a spoon. It will have a glassy appearance with no specks. It has a very light golden hue. Clear like oil (this is now butter fat and your milk solids have settled to the bottom of your pot) 🌹 Your ghee (Clarified butter) is almost ready 😁😍 be careful the next few minutes. Bubble the liquid for a little more until a sweetish, nutty aroma emits. The liquid is a still a light golden hue. If you test very gently at the bottom, it ever so lightly may be stuck to the bottom. (the aroma is from the milk solid that has very gently browned at the bottom) 🌹 Congratulations 🎊, after a 20-30 minute process, you've made ghee (Clarified butter). Remove immediately from heat. (You can sprinkle a few drops of water into your ghee (Clarified butter) to allow it a grainy texture when solid) 🌹Allow to rest for only a few minutes and then filter through a muslin cloth/cheese cloth and sieve. (if you leave it to rest for longer, it will already firm up). What's left in your muslin cloth is all the milk solids. 🌹Store in a sterilized jar or plastic container. (to prevent mold, always sterilize). In cold weather it will firm up in a few hours. In warmer weather you may need to leave it in the fridge for a few hours to firm up. .
You may store it in the a dark cupboard for a few months or in the fridge for up to a year.
P. S you can use as many bricks as you prefer and the cooking time is more or less the same. (may be slightly more for a much larger quantity)
16 May 2020
Sous Chef40
Creative expression, real, soul-full content
Joined 4 years ago