Sous Chef40
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@saadia_b_ Recipe given to me by a friend :@nees01
1 kg lamb pieces 1 large onion4 cloves2 bayleaves (optional)4-6 all spice berries(you may use the ground powder as I have done)3 medium cinnamon sticks1 or 2 whole green chilli3 tomatoes1 tin of whole tomatoes½ tin of tomato pureeAdd 2 teaspoon red ginger garlic paste1.5 teaspoon coriander powder (dhana)3 teaspoon salt3 potatoes, peeled and cut in half1 teaspoon sugar
If you're adding veggies :1kg of either :Green beansCarrotsPumpkin (additional 1 teaspoon sugar for this)
Slice one large onion. Braise in a little oil until brown, with whole spices and whole green chilli. .Add 2 teaspoon red ginger garlic paste1.5 teaspoon coriander powder (dhana)1. 5 teaspoon salt(because I didn't have the allspice berries, I added 1 teaspoon all spice powder at this stage.)..Add 1kg lamb pieces, and brown meat well.(preferably fatty, bony pieces) .Liquidise the following :3 tomatoes1 tin whole tomatoes.Add to the stew, once the water has dried out :Liquidised tomatoes and tinned tomato.½ tin tomato puree1 teaspoon sugar (to cut the acidity)3 potatoes, peeled and chopped on half.1.5 teaspoon rough salt.1 teaspoon red chilli flakes .Slow cook for approx 2 hours until the flavours have fused and the meat is flaking off the bone..This is the base recipe (it is the traditional tomato bredie and you may make this as is, without the veg 🌹).You may add veggies :Traditionally you use just one type of veg, either... Green beans (green beans bredie) Pumpkin (pumpkin bredie, you will add 1 teaspoon sugar with the pumpkin) Carrots (carrot bredie) (1 kg of the veg you choose)Salt to your discretion. . I have fused things up a bit by adding half and half of :Green beans and carrots (½ kg of each) . Add your veggies according to how quickly they cook. Carrots - halfway through the slow cook Green beans - ¾ way through (I boiled them first) Pumpkin ¾ way through .Adjust for salt once cooked, garnish with coriander greens. (dhania (coriander)
15 Jul 2020
Sous Chef40
Creative expression, real, soul-full content

Joined 4 years ago