30 favourites
Recipe by Fathima Mahomed
Pic credit by Fathima Mahomed
200ml self raising flour4 large fresh eggs, separated165ml castor sugar Apricot jamPinch salt50ml cold waterIcing sugar (sprinkling)
Whisk egg yolks, add castor sugar, Whisk until sugar dessolved, add in cold water.
In a separate bowl add egg whites, beat until stiff peaks then add all sifted dry ingredients to the wet egg yolk mixture. Use the fold in method, using a metal spoon.
Take a Swiss roll tin measures 23cm x 32 cm with grease proof paper. Pour the batter mixture and bake in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
Once baked, turn out quickly onto a kitchen tea cloth, sprinkled with castor sugar. Immediately peel off the paper lining and trim off any raw edges at the sides of the baked cake. Next roll up the cake with cloth to make a Swiss roll.Using a damp cloth, cover the cake to cool completely before spreading filling.
Use fresh can of apricot jam, place in a double boiler over hot water until the jam is warm and smooth.Next unroll the cake and spread with jam. Roll again gently and allow to cool.Sprinkle with icing sugar.
Varities of fillingsChocolate Swiss rollAdd on 25ml coco powder and 3ml instant coffee to the dry mixture. Use a filling of well beaten cream and sprinkle with grated peppermint crisp or chopped chocolate and roll up.Instead of apricot jam, use fresh strawberry.Incorporate 125ml chopped Hazel nuts or grounds nuts to dry ingredients.
You can make chocolate, mocha or plain vanilla. Spread with chocolate cream, cream cheese, Caramel or just a traditional jam filling. The secret to getting this cake feather light is to whisk those egg whites to form peaks then folding into the batter otherwise you will end up with a densed cake.
If you having guest, place on a fancy platter using a eye catching doily. A stem of beautiful rose placed, next to your bake adds beauty to the spread. Prepare a welcome slice, inviting guest to help themselves.
Bon appetite ❤️Shu-Hani❤️
Place this at high teas as a main Centre on a fancy doily.,arrange stems of roses colour of choice for the occasion these add beauty to your bake... 🌹♥️
Swiss roll challenges bake, roll, cool, Unroll spread jam, roll again and serve as a sweet treat or high teas. Mini ones can also be created with Caramel fillings.
19 Dec 2020