Kitchen Hand16
I promise you there's a real recipe behind all that nonsense.
Goodluck sifting trough to find it tho 😅
Hey atleast the ingredients part is pretty sensible.
Oh and this is only the short version of the madness click on my blog link for the ful

Joined 4 years ago
13 favourites
Probably some random recipe search I can't remember
1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla essence1 cup milk1 cup sugar1 cup flour 1 teaspoon bicarb1 teaspoon baking powder1 teaspoon white vinegar1 tablespoon Apricot jam
Beat all ingredients together in either a blender or with a whisk
For the sauce you need 125 g butter1 cup milk 3 quarter cup sugar
Melt butter Add milk and sugar and boil on low till dissolved well and slightly thicker in consistency
Prick pudding once baked and pour sauce over
So I obviously had to Google why it's called Malva pudding and here's what the Google has to say
It is believed that the dish is named malva pudding after the Afrikaans word malva, meaning marshmallow, referring to the similarities between marshmallows and the pudding’s texture, although some say that the name is derived after the fact that the pudding used to contain Malvasia wine.Astagh we’ll stick to the marshmallow theory
Ok So yea the recipe ( the reason you are here in the first place ) either that or for entertainment purposes or you are bored or all of the above
Oh you hungry , yea me too
Should we make breakfast before we begin
No ? Oh ok . Fine
I may have mistakenly made breakfastAnyways , you will need
That egg you holding since you opened the recipe link cos you knew you would need eggs
Yea you can put that egg down for now
teaspoon Vanilla essence (once you done sniffing it like a druggie)
Cup of milk, cup of sugar
Cup of Joe
Because you need the energy yaar
teaspoon bicarb . teaspoon baking powder . teaspoon white vinegar
Atleast you have all these ingredients
Apricot jam
What do you Mean you don’t have jam
Pinch of salt
Is how you should take life
Ps: Don’t take life advice from me
Now for the method which may be a wee bit time consuming and complicated but so worth it
Step 1
Gooooi (throw) ALL of the above ingredients into a blender and beat for 30 seconds
Your mixture is donePour into lined or oiled Pyrex or baking stuffy
And you are DONEEating breakfast …
I hope
Yea but for real that’s it
If you don’t have a blender just whisk it like I did .
I have a blender
But who’s gonna wash it
Not me
That’s why I made 17 dirty dishes instead
Whatever happened to work smart not hard🤔
Ok bye
Hey where are you going , we haven’t made the sauce yet
What ya think ? Everything is easy peasy lemon squezy
A lemon squezy would be nice tho , whatever that is
Hey that reminds me I need to make salad
Yea I also have zero idea how lemon made remember to make salad
THE SAUCE !! CAN YALL EVER FOCUSButter I thinkThen some milk . Honestly these recipe developers think we have a dairy farm
Some sugar and water . Yes borehole water
Just do your thing
125g butter . 3 quarter cup sugar. 1 cup milk. Sheesh no need to call Karen for me
ByeThanks for pudding up with me °♡°
Buy a cow
22 Oct 2021
Kitchen Hand16
I promise you there's a real recipe behind all that nonsense.
Goodluck sifting trough to find it tho 😅
Hey atleast the ingredients part is pretty sensible.
Oh and this is only the short version of the madness click on my blog link for the ful

Joined 4 years ago