6 favourites
2 xl eggs separated
160 ml milk
80 ml oil
300 ml cake flour
15 ml baking powder
Pinch of salt
150 ml castor sugar
5 ml vanilla essence
15 ml cocoa mixed with 30 ml boiling water
1 slab whole nut choc broken into pieces (optional)
Spray an line a 23cm microwave ring tin.
In a dish add all the ingredients to the egg yolks except
the cocoa mixture and mix well.
Whisk egg whites until soft peaks form and fold into
cake batter.
Turn half the batter into prepared tin.
Add cocoa mixture to remaining half of the batter, mix
and pour on top of the batter in the tin.
Mix lightly with a fork.
Place tin on an up turned saucer in microwave an
microwave on high for 6 minutes, leave to stand in
microwave for 10 minutes . Turn out on wire rack. And
Allow to cool and decorate as desired
If adding whole nut choc pieces add it into batter with
2nd half of batter an stir lightly with a fork