26 favourites
sugar beans boiled soft or canned sugar beans
1 onion braised well with ,whole jeeru (cumin)
pepercorns ,cinnamon sticks ,whole chillies,and
curry leaves....
4 -5 tamatoes
2 tablespoon tomatoe puree
1 tablespoon sp dhana jeeru (cumin) powder
1 teaspoon red chillie powder to taste
½ teaspoon arad (Turmeric)
salt to taste
extra water
make tomatoe chuntney add cooked sugar
beans,prepare dumplings
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
2tblsp mielie meal
2tblsp butter grated(rub in)
green chillies
fresh dhania (coriander)
salt to taste
1 teaspoon dhana jeeru (cumin) powder
1 teaspoon black peeper powder
combined ingredients with warm water,it must
be like a scone dough,add extra water to sugar
beans,then add blops(LIKE balls of chillie bites)
of dumpling mixture to pot to sugar beans as
quick as possible,close pot tight leave to cook for
five minutes,allowing the the dumplings to rise
eeeeennnnnjjjjjooooooooyyyyyy.its yummy for
those cold winter days