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1kg Chicken fillet ( washed and minced) 1 teaspoon whole jeeru (cumin)3 Onion grated ( I used a food processor)Chillies to taste ( I use about +-30)1 handful of chopped dhana1 bunch chopped spring onions2 tablespoon crushed / ground garlicSalt to taste ( I used about 2 teaspoon)2 teaspoon dhana jeeru (cumin)3 tablespoon ghee (Clarified butter)¼ cup lemon juice
1. In a pot on medium heat, add ghee (Clarified butter) and whole jeeru (cumin) and allow to just heat up.2. Add minced chicken and braize for about 5min, using a masher, smash it and loosen any clumps that you get.3. Add salt, dhana jeeru (cumin) and garlic, braize and mash it if need be, if it's still abit lumpy. 4. Allow chicken to dry abit and than add lemon juice and chillies, mix it well and add onions, braize until onions are softened and chicken is dry. 5. Allow filling to cool, than add your chopped dhana and spring onions. 6. Mix well, cool completely before filling samoosa.
Add more or less chillies, depending on how strong/spicy you want your samoosaAfter you liquidize your onions, make sure to place in cloth or something to squeeze all the water out before putting them into the chicken mince Makes about +- 7 dozens, depending on how you fill or the pur size.
I like to mince my own chicken to how big or small I like it, but you can also use chicken mince instead.
17 Feb 2024