35 favourites
1 Cup Tasty Wheat (Semolina)
Approx 1 cup ghee (Clarified butter)
Pinch Salt
Sultanas (optional)
2-4 Whole Elachi (cardomom) (Cardammom Pods)
1 Stick Cinnamon
½ teaspoon Fine Elachi (cardomom)
Few drops Yellow Food Colour
250 ml Fresh Cream
500 ml Water
1 Hand full of crushed nuts
1 cup Sugar / 1 tin condensed milk
Braize the sultanas, whole Elachi (cardomom) and
cinnamon stick in ghee (Clarified butter), until the
sultanas are swollen.
Add in the Tasty Wheat and continue to
braize. Stir continuously to avoid it
catching and burning. The mixture must
turn a light pink.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the
cream, water, food colour, and fine
Elachi (cardomom). Add in sugar / condensed milk
and mix.
Remove the tasty wheat mixture from
heat, and add in the cream mixture,
Mixing well. Return to stove, and
continue to mix, until all the moisture
is evaporated.
Lastly add in crushed nuts. Cover with
a paper towel, and then pot lid, and
allow to steam.
Recipe is sweet, so you can adjust
sugar according to your personal tastes