5 favourites
Serves 2:
500g beef or Mutton mince
1 large onion
1 clove of garlic
1 carrot
Can of chopped tomatoes
Tomato paste
Tomato pasta sauce such as dolmio
Bay leaves
Black pepper
Garlic and parsley cube
2 teaspoon fresh basil
Firstly chop carrot and onion, I usually cut carrots into quarter pieces then add them to a hot pan with oil and fry for ¾ minutes then add the garlic frying for another 2 minutes then add your mince to the pan and cook until brown, using a slow cooker add the dolmio, can of chopped tomatoes 2 tablespoon tomato paste to the pot Putting it on a low setting then add your mince carrot garlic and onion to the sauce, mixing well add 2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper and 2 teaspoon basil stirring well add your garlic and parsley cube and 2 medium bay leaves. Cook on the low setting for 6/7 hours. Simply serve with spaghetti or pasta and garlic bread a simple but different take to spaghetti bolognase, enjoy :)