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Poached eggs with Hollandaise sauce
Poached eggs
Fill a pot Halfway with water
Bring to Boil
Place oiled silicon egg pockets in water
Drop 1 egg inside each pocket
Allow to cook
For even cooking close pot lid
Shake pockets if eggs are firm they are done(yolks stay runny on th inside)
Flip onto buttered toast
Top with warm Hollandaise sauce and serve
Hollandaise sauce
Bring a little water to boil in a medium saucepan
Now work on medium heat
Place a bowl over saucepan. Water must NOT touch base of bowl. Place 2 egg yolks in bowl, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice, pinch of salt, pinch of sugar, whisk together, add 4 tablespoon of Butter 1 tablespoon at a time, only add next tablespoon when 1st 1 is melted. Add a dash of coarse Black pepper and a dash of paprika. Consistency is creamy and thick like mayo. Serve warm