Yasmin Roberts
Kitchen Hand10
Muslim American living in Joburg. Bullet Journal addict. Follow me for American and Tex Mex recipes. Owner of amatullah.life - follow me on Pinterest @amatullahlife

Joined 7 years ago
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1 ⅓ cup water
⅓ cup olive oil
2 teaspoon salt
2 ½ tablespoon white sugar
¼ teaspoon fine dried ginger powder (optional)
1 ½ cups brown bread flour
2 ½ cups white bread flour
1 ½ tablespoon gluten powder (optional)
7 grams yeast
Place the ingredients into your bread machine according to your user manual. I usually check after 15 minutes and, using a silicone scraper, remove any bits that became stuck to the side.
Set your machine to the standard, basic, or white loaf. If your machine makes difference sizes of loaves, use the 1kg loaf. If your machine allows you to set the darkness of your crust, I personally prefer a medium crust with this bread.
When your bread machine is finished and the loaf is baked, take out the loaf and let it cool in the pan for 10-15 minutes. Then gently shake the loaf out of the pan and let cool completely before slicing. If you wish to cover the bread whilst it is cooling, use a netting so that the steam can escape.
This makes awesome toasted sandwiches.
The dried ginger is a good preservative that doesn't alter the flavour - you can leave it out if you want. But if you know your bread is going to sit around for a few days, rather don't omit it.
The gluten powder makes the dough more spongey, as the brown bread flour will "cut" the gluten in your dough as the yeast rises, which is why brown breads are much more dense than white ones.
You can leave out the gluten powder if you do not have it, but it really enhances the quality. I personally use Nature's Choice gluten powder. In America, gluten powder is called "vital wheat gluten" so you might find it under that name. It's not the easiest product to find in South Africa but if your store sells the Nature's Choice line of natural ingredients (most PnP's and Dischems do), you can ask them if they can order it for you. It can also be had online.
01 Aug 2017
Yasmin Roberts
Kitchen Hand10
Muslim American living in Joburg. Bullet Journal addict. Follow me for American and Tex Mex recipes. Owner of amatullah.life - follow me on Pinterest @amatullahlife

Joined 7 years ago