Ruhana Ebrahim
Grand Master1366
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Rec credit: @when_ruhana_cooks
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6-8 medium slices white fish (eg. Red fish, yellow tail, soldiers, snapper. If you don't like bony fish you may use 2 boxes of I&J Hake medallions)Fish masala2 cups basmati rice4 cups water1 cup Masoor (Back lentils) (brown lentils)4 onions (sliced)3 large potatoes
Note. Red fish, yellow tail or soldiers may be used too
Marinade-1 cup sourmilk,2 large tomatoes (liquidized),fresh green dhania (coriander) (chopped),Half of fried onions (crushed),2 pcs Taj (cinnamon sticks),3 Elachi (cardomom) pods, 3 lavang (cloves),1 star anise,Good pinch saffron strands,Few drops saffron essence,1 ½ teaspoon rough Salt, 2 teaspoon chilli powder, 1 teaspoon rough red chillies,2 tablespoon fish masala, 2 teaspoon dhana Jeeru (Cumin) powder, ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder,1 teaspoon whole Jeeru (Cumin),¼ cup Lemon juice,1 tablespoon white vinegar,2-4 Whole green chillies (cut longwards).
Also needed-ghee (Clarified butter)OilFresh mint (chopped)
1. Marinate fish and flash fry on high heat, on either side and leave aside. If using fresh fish like yellow tail then fry for longer, till the flesh is firm.2. Boil rice on med-high heat with 4 cups water and ¼ teaspoon rough salt. Leave aside. (Rice should be cooked but firm).3. Boil Masoor (Back lentils), covering lentils with water, ¼ teaspoon rough salt and pinch turmeric powder. Boil till cooked but firm to touch.4. Slice 2 large potatoes into 6 pieces each.5. Slice 1 large potato into flat pieces.6. Color both potatoes with few drops egg yellow coloring.7. Fry potatoes separately till done. Fry flat pieces only half way. Leave both aside.8. Slice onions and fry till golden. Remove from oil. Leave aside.9. Mix all marinade ingredients together.10. Strain the oil used to fry fish and onions, add another 2 tablespoon oil.11. In a flat heavy based pot, pour the oil to bottom.12. Place down flat pieces of potatoes.13. Sprinkle 2 tablespoon rice and 2 tablespoon Masoor (Back lentils).14. Dip the slices of fried fish in the marinade and set over potatoes.15. Mix the Masoor (Back lentils) in remainder marinade and spread evenly over fish.16. Push the potato pieces inbetween Masoor (Back lentils).17. Spoon the rice evenly over Masoor (Back lentils).18. Pour over 2 tablespoon melted ghee (Clarified butter).19. Sprinkle over remainder of fried onions and chopped fresh mint.20. In a pan heat some saffron threads with ¼ cup water and few drops saffron essence.21. Pour over rice.22. Cover with foil and steam on stove on medium heat for 30 minutes.23. Preheat oven to 200degC.24. Place in oven for further 30 minutes.25. Serve with raita or dhai, salads and papadums.
Note: You may use boiled eggs if you wish. Push between rice.
You may make your own fish masala or use store bought masala.
26 Nov 2017
Ruhana Ebrahim
Grand Master1366
Food Blogger & Food Stylist.
Fusion Cooking.
Food Author.
Mum & Wife.
Interior Decorator.
South African.

Joined 8 years ago