18 favourites
8 small apples
2 cups sugar white, granulated
½ teaspoon white vinegar
½ cup water
½ teaspoon red food coloring or whatever color you would like your apples to be
Wash and dry apples and twist off the stems. Insert a lollipop stick, popsicle stick, or thick wooden
skewer into the top of each apple.
In a medium sized, heavy based, sauce pan combine the sugar water and vinegar.
Bring the mixture to a boil.
After mixture is boiling well, simmer for 20 minutes or until it reaches the hard crack stage. Keep a close eye on it so it does not burn. Test for the hard crack stage by dropping a small spoonful of the mixture into a cup of cold water. If it becomes instantly hard (like a piece of hard candy) and cracks when you tap it, it is ready.
Remove the pan from the heat. The mixture will be bubbly. It is important to wait until it stops bubbling to dip the apples, or they will be covered with little bubbles
To dip the apples, carefully tip the pan to one side and insert one side of the apple into the mixture and rotate it until it is covered. Allow it to drain a little and place the apple on wax paper to cool and harden.
25 May 2018