43 favourites
Chicken manchurian sizzler📸Salmah dendarRecipe Credit: Kitchen Queens/Recipe Royals
1kg fillet, cut into strips.1 teaspoon tandoori paste (I used aminas tandoori masala)1 teaspoon salt, ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper.2 teaspoon ground garlic.2 tablespoon vinegar,2 teaspoon fine red chillies.
Add spices to chicken and cook with ± ½ cup water, but don’t let dry out completely.
Sauce:2 cups water125g butter1 teaspoon salt4 tablespoon vinegar¼ teaspoon each of red and yellow food colour3 tablespoon crystal or tabasco2 teaspoon ground garlic3 tablespoon soya sauce1 tablespoon tomato sauce4 teaspoon brown sugar2 tablespoon chopped spring onions3 tablespoon maizena (corn flour).
Bring all the ingredients to boil until glossy stirring all the time. Add to the cooked chicken and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Heat cast iron sizzler until hot and sizzling, we put chopped green chillies and red peppers on the cast iron ..Then put your fillet on with sauce, and serve immediatly My tip keep aside a little sauce and add chicken on your cast iron plate sauce in that way ul get that full sizzle Came out reali tasty tasted the same as indian restaurants
24 Apr 2020