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1 Kg Prawns, deveined and butterflied. 3 tablespoon Chopped Garlic. 4 tablespoon Kashmiri Chili Spice or any chilli powder. 2 tablespoon Robertson Exotic Thai. 1 tablespoon freshly cracked Black pepper. 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice. ½ teaspoon Sugar. 3 tablespoon All Gold Tomato sauce I didn't add tomato sauce u can if u want too.2 tablespoon of cajun spice 125g butter for grilling I didn't grill it I melted butter in a wok and stir fried it till done. Combine all the ingredients together. Melt butter and brush all over prawns.Grill in a preheated oven and grill for max of 15 minutes .
Kashmiri Sauce. 125g Tomato paste. 2 tablespoon Kashmiri Chilli Spice or any chilli powder. 4 tablespoon Butter. 1 teaspoon Chilli powder. 5 tablespoon cream. Salt to taste. Sprinkle of Sugar . In a saucepan,combine all ingredients on medium heat, bring to boil and allow sauce to reduce when prawn comes out of oven,lavishly cover in the sauce and serve hot.