12 favourites
Pre heat oven on 220 degrees celcius. Spray cooking spray in deep large tray. Set aside.
Wet Ingredients:125g butter, melted1 cup (250ml) cold milk2 tablespoon vinegar1 large egg⅓ cup to half cup brown sugar½ teaspoon vanilla essenceMelt butter in a bowl and whisk in very cold milk, vinegar, egg, sugar and vanilla essence. Then sift in dry ingredients.
Dry Ingredients:3 level cups of loosely packed flour1 and half tablespoon baking powder1 teaspoon fine saltSift into wet ingredients and mix in with a metal spoon till just combined and sticky.
Dust a work surface with flour, empty dough on top of floured surface and sprinkle flour on top of dough. Handle gently, bring dough together by patting dough in to a rectangle then fold the two sides of the dough to meet in the middle then fold over in half. Dust little more flour on the top if needed and sprinkle a little more underneath if needed and repeat this folding method two more times but remember be gentle and pat down gently to form a 2 to 2.5 cm thick rectangle. Dust cutter with flour each time you press in to dough to cut circles. Remember do not twist the cutter. Press straight in and pull straight out.Place on greased tray. Brush only tops not sides with cold milk or cold cream and bake for 7 minutes on 220 degrees celcius and then lower temperature to 200 degrees celcius and bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Also depends on your oven temperature. So keep your eye on them.Place on wire rack to cool. Enjoy.😊
05 Jul 2023