11 favourites
My favorite recipe 4 seekhs n kebaabs
Recipe Credit (aunty mariam stanger)
1 kg chicken mince washed and drained very well Add in:¾ cup fried onions 1 finely diced onionChopped greens 3 slices bread soaked in water. Squeeze out water and processed 2 tablespoon coconut 2 tablespoon badam (almond) powder½ teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon Elachi (cardomom) powder 2 tablespoon ground green chillies 6 cloves minced garlic 2 teaspoon @purespice_sa green chillies & garlic paste1½ teaspoon salt2 teaspoon dhana jeeroo 3 teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon arad (Turmeric)[1 egg > optional < if mixture is too stiff add in egg 🥚]
Shape into kebaabs. Freeze till needed.Chutney:Braise 1 finely diced onion in ghee (Clarified butter).Add in 2 cups liquidised tomatoes 🍅 ¼ tin tomato 🍅 puree2 teaspoon chilli powder 2 teaspoon crushed chillies 1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon sugar½ teaspoon arad (Turmeric)1 teaspoon dhana jeeroo Slit chillies Cook chutney. Add in kebaabs simmer on medium heat for 10 minutes.Serve with rotis or spaghetti 🍝
21 May 2024