107 favourites
500g-700g mutton or lamb½ cup of oil/ghee (Clarified butter)2 medium onion sliced fine5 eggs boiled hard and set aside 4-5 potatoes ( peeled and cut into quarters) and fried like chips 3 pieces of cinnamon stick3 peppercorns3 elachie cardamom3 cloves 4 tomatoes liquidized*3-4 teaspoon coarse salt*3 green chillies*1 teaspoon strong chillie powder*2 teaspoon dhania (coriander)/Jeeru (Cumin) powder*½ teaspoon tumeric powder*1 teaspoon garam masala*Juice of 1 fresh lemon *Half box inkomazi (maas)*few strand of saffron*2 green chillies*fresh chopped dhania (coriander) leaves
Cut meat into pieces. Wash and place in a large dish. Add all ingredients marked with * to the meat. Leave in fridge to marinade for a few hours. Heat oil in pot and add cinnamon stick, cloves and Elachi (cardomom) 3 whole peppercorns and allow to sizzle. Now add the marinade meat. Cook on medium heat until the meat is tender and juices evaporates. Meanwhile sprinkle potatoes with salt and a little tumeric powder and fry in seperate oil. Boil eggs until they are hard. Shell them and set them aside.When the meat is tender and ¾ the way cooked add the potatoes and the eggs and complete cooking. Garnish with fresh dhania (coriander) leaves. Serve with naan, rolls or rotis
Cook's Tips
This dish is great if you are entertaining or just want to impress someone. Marinade the meat the night before. Also fry potatoes and boil eggs in advance, saving you time. You can use chicken instead of mutton. All spices can be bought at any Indian spice shop.