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Courtesy of Cooking with Bibi. Jazakallah / Thank you. Really delish
600g Petite Fish fillets Or any fish of choice. 3 tablespoon freshly pounded Green Masala Paste 2 tablespoon Lemon pepper Salt to taste Melted Butter
Method: Combine the green masala paste with lemon pepper and season with salt Rub over fish fillets. Drizzle over melted butter and bake in a preheated oven for 10 minutes/
For the Adega inspired sauce you will need: 125 g Butter 2 tablespoon Crushed Garlic 2 tablespoon Crushed Green Chilli (optional) 1 Bottle (big) Nandos Bushveld Peri Sauce 2 tablespoon. Kashmiri Chilli Powder (or any good variant chilli powder) 1 cup Mayonnaise 100 ml Poring Cream Salt to taste
In a saucepan, melt the butter and add the crushed garlic and chilli. Allow the heat through until the aroma fills the air.Add in the mayonnaise, spices, pouring cream and season with salt. Bring to a light boil. Pour over cooked fillets and bake for 15 minutes until the sauce reduces to the desired consistency.