Slms do u think I cud cook this over the stovr instead of in the oven?
Slmz if I have butter can I use it instead of margarine?
slms. How do you make the rainbow decoration? or do you buy it.
@TESORETTE , yes you cook everything together in the end
Hi I'm new at all this please advice me I'm making a knee today you recipe but dont have a clue how to make it do you cook the rice with the chicken? In the end? Please advice thanx alot
Which chilli sauce?
Lovely recipe tnx I made mini ones the size of cake pops came out divine tnx for a winning recip
@aamira I use golden cloud cake flour and I have never had a problem snowflake also good my mum uses spar cake flour and a friend of mine is happy with supreme cake flour so I guess flour is flour lol
Some of the nando's sauces have been discontinued
Osbro keeps sizzler pans aswel
I also adapted dis recip by adding in cubed cucumber and cubed tomatoes in addition to the 3 color peppers
I make my tomato chutney with onions tomatoes salt red chillies little haider and little dhana jeero and a cinnamon stick when nicely cooked thru I add in tab tomato sauce and a tab chillie sauce
I use blue dorrito's it's the best
I love this recipe! I make it 4 braai's all the time tnx for such a winning recipe
Delicious and Quick!:)
Was delicious , JazakAllah
Excellet recipes , JazakAllah !
Will try it out tonight
JazakAllah was Delicious
Its Robertsons texan steak spice. You can get it from any supermarket.
I don't have pistachio so I jus added in rice crispies . Turned out great
Excellent recipe ! Thanx everyone loved it I made it for a function will post pic
Salaam wher can I get Texan steak spice?
It's a radio station
what beautiful words. very inspiring.
dont the edges have to be sealed before frying as the filling might escape? please let us know.
Beat for 40-50 minutes? That's a lot of electricity. My mixer will explode.
Channel Islam International
salaams all. Thank you for posting this recipe Mariam. the picture itself looks delicious. Am thinking of making it this weekend.
what may i ask is Cii
I've tried it and LOVE IT !!!
Ohh ok jazakallah I got it now
Picture from
Sorry don't have a pic
Roll and make like u would make chocolate log biscuits
Sorry I cldnt get it!!! Should I roll them n then cut in the retangle shape. N plz if u have the pic of this biscuit can u post them. So that v can get an idea.
image from
In a small log shape
Can u plz explain how to shape it jazakallah
@yas , you should get it a spice shop , or if you are in sa , i think Robertsons also make one
Slmz what is fish spice.
Sounds delicious
whats the method ... how long to cook for etc ?
@Aysha Dokrat . I think you wont get the same taste without the sauces. I know you get other brands Mediterranean sauce . chakalka , don't think so..
Havent tried it with mascarpone cheese, how ever the cream cheese gives the dessert a bit of a tang, where as mascarpone is sweet..
Can mascarpone be used instead of the cream cheese?
Slmz tried this recipe and it was very bad. Followed to the tea, it came out rock hard and only got 5 rolls out of it. Very disappointed.
This recepie looks good gna try it out