How you get the swiss roll to stick- do you use a flour paste?
Slmz fatima, sorry, I meant mustard seeds.
Wslm Fatima.they will keep and will still taste good the next day.u can leave the topping out as well
Slmz Aadilah for how long can this muffins keep.Can I make them in advance for serving next day? I have to prepare for farewell of pilgrims about 500 and looking for brunch ideas to prepare in advance. Shukran
as salam wa alaikum,thought i let you know this recipe is delicious, also in a big sized.
only 2 stars???
Slmz Zahrah Your ingredients calls for mustard powder but in the method you mention mustard seeds??????
I think you must omit the NOTE part. It does'nt apply to this recipe as this recipe is for drop scones.
Jazaakallah khairon Tried out. Just changed recipe slightly, added cheese to sauce as I was going to freeze after baking. Delicious.
Jazaakallah khairun Tried the dough Calzones came out beautiful
yumm ideal for winter...
something I will definatley be trying out tonite
Jazakallah recipe sounds wonderful.
Slmz, should the sour cream be added to the mushrooms? @ Shanaaz, Pick n Pay sells the spur sauce =)
slmz anisa will try it slmz
When do u add the rice
This is confusing! Are we talking about melted chocolate(in method) or melted sugar in ingrediants?
Has anyone used this recipe to fill in a triangle samoosa.I can just about fold a regular samoosa so wont be trying any new shapes.THANX
But I am afraid of leakage wen frying. Someone also suggested a bit of mash potato in da filling to aid binding.Any suggestions?
I dont braise the onion as i like the tangy onion flavour. I also heard that u can use cream style sweetcorn
u can also cut crust off a slice of bread,roll it thin with a rolling pin,add sauce filling roll up like a swiss roll. I DONT REFRIGERATE dip in masala egg like for egg bread
5 stars! delicious!
Slms- do you mix both the pkts of sauces together in the half litre hot water?
How much of butter please
Where can you buy the onion and rice spice from?
slmz,i added a salsa dip mixed with the sour cream. it tasted divine.
This is a real easy cake to make but I suggest you only make when you have guests as you are bound to eat them all.
Aww. Wish i could get my hands on some steak.So difficult in Birmingham.I just love the steak recipes on this site.
Jazaakallah khair will tryout
Summaya it says roll out dough and on one half of the rolled circle spread filling then close over forming semi circle
Here i am again. Cakes out the oven after about 25minutes close to 30mins. Can't say i'm pleased as the cake although soooo spongy, sank terribly.Very nice texture. Might try again. I suppose i'll have to serve this one with custard.
Wednesday morning and the time is now 11.12am.Beautiful sunny day.Just made Maizena cake exactly as recipe stated.Now in the oven. Will be able to give a final positive verdict in about half an hour.Inshallah will be grt.
No,bake then freeze.No need 2 coat with egg.
Salaams, plz could you tell me how long will the cupcakes keep after piping with this fondant?
Salaams, I can'twait to try this maizena cake tomorrow morning. Will let you know the outcome.
Bilkish can these be frozen and baked later and do I need to coat with egg b4 baking
sounds easy and nice...
i have tried this recipe before i seen it here...and it was definitly devine!!!
Yes- you should allow the chocolate to cool before adding it to the fresh cream. Be careful not to over beat the cream..
Must u wt tl the choc has cooled off b4 folding in?
Salaams,u said roll out balls to one nd 1/2?wot do u mean by that nd after puting d filling how do we close?plz explain.
Slm just some feedback i made this last Fri family thought it was gr8 thx for the recipe something different :)
ok thanks was just wondering
shkrn..will def. try it out 2nite :)
jzk's umme yusuf... looks easy and i'm sure will b just as tasty...
nice , if you layer mash , could make an awesome caserole
this sounds awesome
u welcome , yeah it is abit cold for this lol freeeezzzzzzeee